Thursday, May 7, 2009

et pas toi

Quoi que je fasse

Où que je sois

Rien ne t'efface

Je pense à toi

Quoi que j'apprenne

Je ne sais pas

Pourquoi je saigne

Et pas toi

(in the words of Jean Jacques Goldman. because he speaks my heart.) 


There is no shortage of 'her' in my world today. She has ruined my ability to enjoy an afternoon with a friend. She has ruined my ability to listen to random songs on the radio. For the moment, she has ruined my Thursday evening. 

And she still has no idea. 

I cried all the way home today. I cried walking into the bookstore, I cried in the line, and I cried walking out to my car. I cried when I unlocked the front door and I cried when I poured  my iced tea. I cried when I loaded the washing machine. I cried when I got the mail. I cried until I realized that I could not cry anymore because I have nothing left to cry about. In the past hour I have cried every single tear that is left to be shed over the happiness of two people I barely know. The man I am crying over no longer exists like he does in my heart, and the one who is out there is not the reason I am crying. "She" has done nothing to deserve my tears. I have so many better things to cry for. 

Tomorrow I will start over again. For the 3rd time. And in a few weeks I may have to try again for a 4th. Each time I am stronger, I am more determined. Each time I am a brighter more beautiful version of me, standing tall and poised and ready to face the rest of the world. I may not have the other half of my team, but I am building my skin stronger and thicker. I am getting smarter and tougher. I am brave enough to face the 3rd time. And I'll be naive enough turn to face the 4th and 5th with courage and hope. I will get knocked down again. I will cry again. I will fall and break and put myself together again. But the point is that I will. Regardless of whether he knows or cares or feels, I will. 

Parce que je saigne, et pas toi. 


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