Saturday, July 11, 2009

and so it goes

I am not that girl.

I do not stand by and watch my heart get shredded.
I do not step aside to let someone get in my way.
I do not accept petty apologies.
I do not take second.

But you are that guy.

You let girls think they have a chance because you like the attention.
You lead people on so that you never have to go to bed alone.
You think 'I don't know' is a valid excuse.
You are heartless.

And I won't be that girl.

Let her think she has a chance.
Let her think she's the only one.
Let her answer your calls.
Let her wait all night to hear from you.

I refuse to be that girl.

I will stay here and cry until it's out of my system.
I will ignore your calls until they stop coming.
I will drink by myself until I'm done crying.
I will be here until it's over.

Because you are that guy.
And I am obviously not the girl you are looking for.
I am so much better than that.

Thanks for reminding me.

1 comment:

  1. You are so much better than that - and you deserve better than this.

    hang in there...
