Thursday, July 16, 2009

best of both worlds

Well, slightly ripped.
Actually, perfectly intact, but I'd like to think I'm suffering in some way for this.

In the words of UVR:
"Who wants the same old thing every night? Yes, I need change in my life."

Cryptic still. I'll break this down...

I like attention. I like to be wanted, to know I'm being watched, to know someone is thinking about me and wanting to be near me. (Who doesn't?) And I've got this friend who has always fulfilled that requirement. He's that nice guy. I'm upset? He answers the call. I need to go out? He's taking me out. I need sushi at 2 am? He finds it. He's not a push-over, not by any means, he doesn't wait for me to call, he isn't waiting for me in any way, but when I need him, he's there. We'll call him... D.
Now, D and I, we've had our moments. He's a sweet guy, and I'm a sweet girl :), and so there's been some friction. How do I phrase this... I'm only attracted to him in certain ways and at certain times. That's all I will say.
Here's the kicker.
C, although he pulled the oldest line in the book (I got scared...), still has the power to attract me in multiple ways. I am attracted to him in most ways and at most times. He's got a charisma of which he is completely aware, and that, my friends, is the problem.

I'm stuck between the nice guy and the kinda-bad guy. Easy answer? Nice guy. Of course. But the attraction isn't all there and I'm not going to dive into that without thinking twice. Thats a set up for failure. Kind-bad guy? Maybe he'll change... no.. no.. they never do.

But, ya know, I'm not terribly distraught. If my biggest problem today is deciding which of these two awesome guys I'll be getting my drinks from tonight, then today is probably gonna be a beautiful day.

Stuck between a marshmallow and a smooshy place. :)
Like bouncing between clouds.

*Lyrics from UVR's Got 2 Girlfriends


  1. Just be careful... I am dealing with a similar issue now. I have found myself in the unenviable position of undoing what has already begun and there is no easy way out - but it is the only option. So many "things" must be part of a successful relationship. Love, yes, but not just any kind of love. Friendship love is not it, but that deep attraction that turns into (or is right from the start) that guttural kind of love that makes the world sing? that is not enough either... experience, trust me.

    It takes an almost impossible set of mutual and complementary - and nebulous - feelings, perspectives, timing and circumstances that it's remarkable that anyone ever finds their true soul mate. But they do. And you will, too. Don't let your heart rule your mind, but never let your mind overrule your heart either.

    Sounds like there's a paper in there somewhere.

  2. ok. my honest opinion. since none of them are right, stay away from both. unless you're able to just have fun without getting attached then do whatever you want. but do not get attached to either because you don't fully and completely want either one. can't force yourself to like the nice guy and like you said you can't change the bad boy.

    SO if you're gonna get attached, run far far away.
